HUB-3 Barcode API

The HUB-3 Barcode API uses a single URL:


It's possible to make GET or POST request to that URL.
* GET requests: data is sent **URL-encoded** in the query string.
* POST requests: data is sent **JSON encoded** in the request body.

On success, the server returns a **HTTP 200 OK** response, with the barcode
encoded in the response body. Content type depends on the renderer used.

## Request data

The request data should contain an object with the following keys:

| Key       | Type    | Description                                     |
| --------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| renderer  | string  | Name of the renderer to use.                    |
| options   | object  | Renderer-specific configuration.                |
| data      | object  | Data to be encoded into the barcode.            |

The **renderer** is the component which renders the barcode to the target
format. This can be an image, a SVG document or something else. Each renderer
has a set of **options** which configures it's behaviour.

The request data in JSON would look like this:

    "renderer": "image",
    "options": { ... }
    "data": { ... }

Barcode data

This is the data that will be encoded into the HUB-3 barcode. The data format is defined by the HUB-3 standard. Note that "special characters" like č, ć, ž, š and đ are counted as 2.

Key Type Description
amount decimal (15,2) Transaction amount in HRK
purpose text (4) Purpose code by ISO 20022 standard
description text (35) Transaction description
sender object Sender data
> text (30) Name and surname, or company name
> sender.street text (30) Address (street and number)
> text (27) Address (post code and place name)
receiver object Receiver data
> text (30) Name and surname, or company name
> receiver.street text (27) Address (street and number)
> text (27) Address (post code and place name)
> receiver.iban text (21) Account number (IBAN)
> receiver.model text (2) Payment reference model
> receiver.reference text (21) Payment reference

Example barcode data in JSON:

    "amount": 100000,
    "sender": {
        "name": "Ivan Habunek",
        "street": "Savska cesta 13",
        "place": "10000 Zagreb"
    "receiver": {
        "name": "Big Fish Software d.o.o.",
        "street": "Savska cesta 13",
        "place": "10000 Zagreb",
        "iban": "HR6623400091110651272",
        "model": "00",
        "reference": "123-456-789"
    "purpose": "ANTS",
    "description": "Developing a HUB-3 API"

A note about receiver model and reference:

For more details, check out the Croatian Financial Agency's specification (PDF, Croatian).

The data is validated by a JSON schema which is available here.

Encoding the data

The above examples show how to encode the data in JSON for POST requests. For GET requests, the same data structure must be sent URL-encoded in the query string.

For example, consider this full request in JSON:

    "renderer": "image",
    "options": {
        "format": "png",
        "color": "#000000"
    "data": {
        "amount": 100000,
        "sender": {
            "name": "Ivan Habunek",
            "street": "Savska cesta 13",
            "place": "10000 Zagreb"
        "receiver": {
            "name": "Big Fish Software d.o.o.",
            "street": "Savska cesta 13",
            "place": "10000 Zagreb",
            "iban": "HR6623400091110651272",
            "model": "00",
            "reference": "123-456-789"
        "purpose": "ANTS",
        "description": "Developing a HUB-3 API"

The same data, prepared for URL-encoding:

data[sender][name]=Ivan Habunek
data[sender][street]=Savska cesta 13
data[sender][place]=10000 Zagreb
data[receiver][name]=Big Fish Software d.o.o.
data[receiver][street]=Savska cesta 13
data[receiver][place]=10000 Zagreb
data[description]=Developing a HUB-3 API

These lines, URL-encoded and joined with & produce the query string used for GET requests.


Finally, add the query string to the API endpoint to form the GET URL.


Image Renderer

Returns the barcode as a JPG, PNG or GIF image.


Name Value Deafult
format Image format. One of: jpg, png, or gif. png
padding Padding size in pixels. 20
color Barcode color as a hex code. #000000
bgColor Background color as a hex code. #ffffff
scale Width of the single unit in the barcode 3
ratio Width to height ratio of a single unit 3

The scale and ratio will affect the size of the barcode image. Note that the HUB-3 specification requires the ratio to be 3. If you change it, it might not be readable by some devices.

Sample usage

    "renderer": "image",
    "options": {
        "format": "png",
        "color": "#00ff00"
    "data": { ... }

Sample response

Content-Type: image/png

Sample HUB-3 barcode

SVG Renderer

Returns the barcode in SVG XML format.


Name Value Deafult
scale Width of the single unit in the barcode 3
ratio Width to height ration of a single unit 3
color Barcode color as a hex code. #000000

Sample usage

    "renderer": "svg",
    "options": {
        "scale": 3,
        "ratio": 3,
        "color": "#000000"
    "data": { ... }

Sample response (truncated)

Content-Type: image/svg+xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns="" height="477" width="513" version="1.1">
  <description>HUB3 barcode generated by</description>
  <g id="barcode" fill="black" stroke="none">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="3" height="9"/>
    <rect x="3" y="0" width="3" height="9"/>
    <rect x="6" y="0" width="3" height="9"/>
    <rect x="9" y="0" width="3" height="9"/>
    <rect x="12" y="0" width="3" height="9"/>

JSON Renderer

Returns the barcode pixel grid in JSON. This can be used to draw your own barcode.

This renderer does not take any options.

Sample usage

    "renderer": "json",
    "options": {
    "data": { ... }

Sample response (truncated)

Content-Type: application/json



The API will always return HTTP 200 OK on success.

On error, it's possible to get one of the following:

HTTP 400 Bad Request

This means the data you sent doesn't pass validation. The response will contain a JSON encoded error message, and possibly an array of validation errors.

For example, if you send invalid barcode data, you might see something like this:

    "message": "Validation failed",
    "errors": [
        "data.amount: string value found, but a number is required",
        " must be at most 30 characters long"

Or if you attempt to use a non-existing renderer:

    "message": "Unknown renderer \"foo\".",

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Congratulations, you found a bug. Please report it.